Celebs News

August 26, 2023

ZEC Chigumba Why Anounce Presidential Elections Ka Murikutyei Chamisa Akurovai Chematsenga Nzungu

Both ZANUPF and CCC are claiming presidential election victory.   The victory of either the opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa or the incumbent president, Emmerson Mnangagwa will be resolved through V11s.   Both the opposition CCC and ZANUPF said that they had polling agents at every polling station, so their victory claims shouldn’t be difficult for them to verify.   Any claim to victory without V11s is a waste of time.   To avoid unnecessary blood pressure, let us wait for the production of the V11s.Chamisa has won the presidential vote by a wide margin. They can’t explain it..Repeat of 2018 i believe politicians vanotamba nesu.       ndopaizotaurwa mabig grammar naadvocate Mpofu but malaba akapa Emer .Zimb

August 26, 2023

Zanupf Yoti Hatisi Kuita Mamwe MaElection SADC Snd AU Haritonge Nyika Nepen Nepaper Takarwa Hondo

Can SADC or AU run another election with their budget to avoid the intentional poor planning to rig and intimidation of voters , we don't want to hear that the recommendations given should be used in the next election, we have suffered enough we can't go with the same recommendations talk.         Something has to be done to allow the will of the people to prevail.we can't suppress the will of a country with recommendations and continue with a government they didn't vote for.       Chris Mtsvangwa responded on behalf of ZEC. It clearly shows who runs the electoral system. Making the situation worse for themselves.

August 26, 2023

AU And SADC Voti MaElections Aitwe Rerun They Were Not Credible

Zimbabwe’s election was not credible, reports today’s NewsDay-Zimbabwe based on SADC and African Union observer mission reports.         For the first time in Zimbabwe’s electoral history, the regional body SADC has trashed the election process using the evidence which was on show for all to see of shambolic planning, voter intimidation and suppression, and election rigging!       The central question now in the minds of many is what happens when an election has been declared not credible?

August 23, 2023

ZEC Itai Vanhu Va Vote Mushe Zvekuti Hakuna Ink Zvazodai Rave Drama Tinogara Kusvika Zvauya Tavhota Zimbabweans Not Happy Check Zvirikuitika Kuma Centers Aya

ZEC why honestly MOTi mapaper anopera na8 pavoter vanhu vangani nhy Ko hamuna kutarisa number yevanhu vakaregister hre so 7 dzikakwana tisati tavoter muchaita sei nesu mbavha dzenyika uuuum musadaro Harare veduwee     Foreign observers naiyo SADC yenyu yogozopa report kuti elections were free and fair pakadai. Vakomana kaaa. Musadaro imiZEC itai zvenyu nhau yekuvoter kwevana veZimbabwe kufambe mushe imbomirai mahumbwe haadi pazuva rakakosha ndozuva rekutaridza kuti makarongeka makaenda kuchikoro izvi zvamunoita zvinotaridza kusadzidza mabasa acho makapinda sieko nhayi imi cy kuudzirwa zvekuita pabasa renyu     Same with Bulawayo, Nkulumane hakuna ink... Sei zvisina kushaikwa kunana Uzumba... Now people will give up vodzokera kudzimba... Imagine less th

August 13, 2023

Tytan Achikwirirwa Mukadzi Akatarisa Chokwadi Mupfanha Uyu Chii Chaizvo Kushoresa Zimmen Kuda Life Yakapfawa Senge Honye

Tytan mukadzi zvaachatokwirwa wakati favava 🤣🤣🤣. Zemo rinamai Ava ita plan mufana iwe Congo dust urikuishaya here ikoko utumirwe 🤣🤣🤣   Aaaaa a whole married woman acting live shez on a bachelorette party🤣🤣🤣😅😅 hayas zvimwe zvacho is uncessary .Olinda dzokera unobatwa chiuno uko you only live once 🙌🙌🔥🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Kkkkkkkkkk🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣   Olinda dzokera unobatwa chiuno uko you only live once 🙌🙌🙌🙌🤣🤣🤣🤣Striper rinoda pa bachelor party with your few girl friends not pachaunga icho and married tooTytan anoda soft life ndosaka ari kusvirirwa mukadzi achiziva, he has nowhere to goIts sad guys, zvinorwadza. Dai aapplier awana cos rake hake otanga kuita life yake. Chii chakadaro

August 12, 2023

Tatelicious Outukwa Hauzi Kunyara Here Dzabu Akafanana Na Ngoni Kuita Mabuns

Tatelicious Karigambe-Sandberg makuhwa enema uchaarega riini nhai .. zvawaiti mwana ndevaBaba vaye vekumusangano ende uchafa uchingorikitwa kkk zvawakaitwa   Joni zvishoma ah hameno ramba uchidero hako, usati hatina kukuyambira , guhwa haridi munhurume😇😂😂😂 imi hakuzive kuti kwini i Entertainer 😂😂😂 problem munenge muchida kuti zviite shuwa museke .     Ngatingosekai tochiziva kuti pamwe ijoke pamwe ishuwa l mean it’s social media nothing too Kuita mazi buns kudaro...Dzabu ndi baba vake zvake paari..so beautiful👌👌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Hope ana tatelicious, evidence & crew vadzidza kusangounza wrong guhwa kkkkkk     Boss chimhamha chinonyaradza Marema nekuprinter maCopy amhofela big up Sokostina .ch

August 11, 2023

Zimbabwean UK Based Tik Toker Dudley Tafadzwa Popularly Known As Drag Killer Hanzi Akabata Mukomana Wechidiki Chibharo

Zimbabwean UK based tik toker Dudley Tafadzwa Mudoti popularly known as Drag Killer is alleged to have molested a young boy. According to close sources he was left to care for the young boy and he instead allegedly went on to molest the minor aged 12. “Akasiirwa mwana to babysit in good faith munhu akubata mwana, the parents only found out after the boy started getting violent and secretive. He only opened up after the mother convinced him to speak,” said the source. All efforts to reach Dudley were fruitless

August 10, 2023

Vakadzi Vezimbabwe President Munangangwa Chingochani Ngachibviswe Toroorwawo Sei Barume Vapera Kupfeka Ma G-string

Tosvitsawo msg sei kuna president kuti vanhu ava muzim vasungwe nhai vakuparadza ma marriages out there nxaaa   Ndopomoita basa rekutipa maWrong number nekutiIgnowa kumaInbox imi muchiona kuti varume vakupfeka maG-string😂🤣🤣   Vakadzi ndimi muri kunyanya ku follower ngochani muchiti hee Queen heeee mother muchachema henyu dzakukutorerai varumeDai tubhora tukasungwa neg string nxaaa warris that🤨     Kusarohwa uku zvinoda kudirwa shure iyoyo nemafuta anopisa Ndosaka ndisina kubvira ndaka follower varume vanopfeka madress hazvinditire zvakanaka choseHooooyo mkomana ariku enjoyer hake bhavhadhe rake zvakanaka zvinengei Chihwitsi the Mnandi😂😂😂Masvada akaita kumbanikidzwa... Poor balls

August 10, 2023

Drama Rine Mapenzi Ecat Family Kuswero Tota Maitt Vabuda Makamborota Hama Dzenyu Here Brainwashed People Zvinekakupenga

Ku cat family kuri kurotwa ndatii Zviroto zviroto Dai paitwa go fund me zvikwereti zvabhadharwa nekuti zviroto apa hazvishandeKurotera munhu asinei navo kana kukupa yedata drama rine mapenzi ayo so ka🙆🏻   Meanwhile they can't and cannot pray for themselves tonhave better life health and even better salaries busy playing for someone akazviparira ega it's not like akapomherqa nhema and stuff ka apa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣     kana vanhu vari brainwashed havadai ava vakadyiswa nefoshoro🤣🤣🤣haaa muroyi akaroya tukiti dai avanzwira tsitsi vazaruka pfungwa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣munovawanepiko varume vamunoudza hope dzemichacha. I can't imagine ndichiudza hubby wangu zvinyaya zvamai Tt achitoteerera zvinyaya izvozvo 😂

July 26, 2023

Karma Wakanyanya Speed Pana Mary Chiwenga Ivy Kombo Akatorera Mai Vake Murume 15 Years Later Zvichirikufaya Karma Wakaoma

Karma wakazonyanya speed paku locate address ya Marry Chiwenga. Ko kumboitawo chinono sezvauri kuita Kuna Ivy Kombo. Karma kubva wazodaro kunge Marry ndiye ega here atanga kupwanya dzimba dzevamwe. Ingawani Ivy akatorera Mai vake chaivo murume . Karma usadaro Wagamupula iri rapfidza pakusvika pakupika gehena ari mupenyu. Hospital and courtroom ndihwo hwava upenyu hwake chokwadi.Ndosaka zvichinzi life haina formula zviye zvatinoona pa manigerian movie kuti ukakura uchitambura wozopfuma unogona kutongofa uchingotambura umwe anoita hutsinye hupenyu wese asina kana karma waanowana vamwe Misha yakatomira nemisodzi yeumwe mukadziIvy atori mu karma yake baba vaya vari too controlling and they try so hard dai vanga vakagara vakanyarara sezvavanga vakaita makore ese aya🤣🤣🤣chaakanakira Karm

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