Shashl Tami Anita Ndiyani Anokugonera Aiwa Chisikana Chesekisi Tap Chatora Mukombe Anoimba Shashl

Shashl anogona hake let's put the sextape ting aside😁😁😁😁😁🤗Inini shashil ma songs ake handimahwisisiIni hangu handina kna 1 song ya tammy yandinozivadon't compare Anita netuvanhu tusina basa🫣 kana pane arikuda fight ngaauyeshashl followed by Anita umwe wacho ndianiIf these three could collaborate on an album they will go International but problem is Zimbo people are selfish😭😭, Dont believe in team work and only want the spotlight to shine on themselves. 

1) collaborate (EP OR ALBUM)

2) shoot music video

3) paid marketing plus on their personal media.

4) engage in interviews and include fans.

5) tour 3-4 cities in Zimbabwe

6) Pay channel O, Mtv base, Trace etc

7)engage sponsors and also look for Ambassador opportunities

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