I remember Patricia Jackie achiti tukai zvenyubut munhu uyu maitt hamuzi kumuziva anonyeba imbavha and anoita kuchinjanisa maboyfriends semabhurukwaakawandda..........readmore
Ketile Ketile 1 munhu anotyiwa na chikiti Haa sando dzako Ketty urichamangwiza chikiti 🐈 chaita kuisa muswe pakati pedako kunge imbwa Ida kurohwa .Chabva chatanga kugona kuprotector brand.......Read more
Kubaka baka family handei tinoyananisa swagger ne x wife yake .Murume atambura uyu oti kurohwa nezvikomba nzara kutorerwa maclients kutouch line ukuwo kuremerwa nema duende anenge akapakirwa pakazamu
Zmaitt Kusagona kuvhara muromo wako kuchakuparira atotanga nhema hamzi I block 120 000 people. Hanzi cat Family hamuna basa anoda kuita unfollow do musandiudzire zvekuita.
Maitt said Handirarame nezvikwereti I work hard for my money you have no idea how it feels to use all you savings expecting to be paid back . So many people texting and asking how much am I owing we can help?Thank you but I'm not owing anybody I'm supposed to be paid back.
Muimbi Paradzai Mesi Asungwa abatwa achiba chingwa mushop grocery store.Muimbi wesungura ane mukurumbira munyika YeZimbabwe. abatwa panzvimbo nevamwe vake achiba ku Glendale iye ari kuti "handis mbavha asi situation.
Kettina Masomera you were suffocating maitt hanzi I've never felt this better In my life I feel relieved kuti hausisiri muupenyu wangu. Mashamwari enyu ayaa shamwari yangu wadya here?
Mudiwa Hood pledges to help Paradzai Mesi Sungura artist wekuba chimgwq mu grocery store. He said "I do not condone stealing or any form of crime as a way to survive unacceptable.But the human in me ikuda kubatsira my heart is on the kids kenyanya I want to help them too.
Uebert Angel cleared of all charges Following the recent broadcasting of Al Jazeera ‘gold mafia’ documentary which suggested that Ambassador Uebert Angel was complicit in the illegal trade of gold smuggling to Dubai and money laundering using state institutions, investigators have concluded that the information aired in the documentary was inaccurate and malicious. The investigation found that Ambassador Angel was Falsely Accused of Gold Smuggling and transnational organised crimes after it became apparent that no research was conducted or verified prior to the broadcast of the documentary and no evidence was ever found. It is infact suggested that this was an organised smear campaign against An ambassador who was executing his duties at the time o
Anna Honde Takamirira Secret Yashugeta yawakati ukataura anopera panonaka pawakambosiyana na Shugeta. Sikireti Inonyadzisa yacho ndeyechiiko yawaitaura paradio dai wangoti bvuu ruudai arichikiti tanzwa zvese.uchine brain dzekuda kudzoka kumancimbi ndosaka.